We at Al Rawabi offer an exclusive and wider range of products that covers the whole consumer bin at optimal prices in the region. AL Rawabi always ensure that demand expectations are fully covered by delivering a discrete range at the most competitive prices. Our wholesale division Food Stuff and Emdadco provides Food products, Frozen Foods, Rice, Pulses, Grocery, Supermarket products, Plastic & Paper products as well as cleaning supplies as a main back end wholesaler to major entities in middle east.. A journey of a thousand miles started with a small footstep providing Qatari National Ration products (Tamween products) within Al Rawabi Food Stuff. The Company’s vision on “All under one roof” came true as our outlet got a new store in industrial area 37.While introducing major varieties of spices and pulses. These products have been served to all walks of customers and won us satisfactory certification in its segment.